Monday, April 7, 2008

Press Release April 1st 2008


Montréal, le 1er avril 2008- Jeunesse au Soleil et 1optimum, une compagnie basée à Montréal et se spécialisant dans le recyclage de matériel informatique et technologique, sont heureux d’annoncer leur partenariat au sein d’une campagne de recyclage de téléphones cellulaires, ayant pour objectif de récolter une somme de 10 000$, un montant qui sera ajouté aux fonds de Jeunesse au Soleil, l’une des organisations montréalaises se livrant à des causes charitables des plus remarquables.

Dès le mardi 1er avril 2008, et jusqu’à la fin de ce même mois, le public est invité à aller déposer ses cellulaires inutilisés ou désuets, de même que ses chargeurs, batteries, agendas personnels, dispositifs Bluetooth et téléavertisseurs numériques, dans des bacs se retrouvant à divers points de chutes facilement accessibles, situés partout dans le centreville de Montréal. Les compagnies sont également encouragées à contacter 1optimum ou Jeunesse au Soleil s’ils désirent arranger une cueillette de téléphones chez elles, ou encore, débuter leur propre collecte à l’interne. La liste des points de chute publics est en constante mise à jour et est détaillée au

Plusieurs commanditaires locaux se sont engagés à offrir un apport à la campagne, en assurant un soutien financier. La récolte de 2000 cellulaires, permettra d’amasser approximativement 10 000$, qui seront versés à Jeunesse au Soleil grâce aux commandites. Le directeur exécutif de 1optimum, Matthew Isganaitis, affirme: « C’est une situation où les deux parties sont gagnantes. Nous recyclons les cellulaires et récoltons des fonds pour une très bonne cause, une cause pouvant rejoindre le coeur de chaque montréalais car Jeunesse au Soleil offre des services inestimables à la communauté montréalaise depuis plusieurs décennies. Nous espérons aussi faire hausser la prise de conscience des gens en ce qui a trait à l’importance du recyclage des
différentes technologies. Le recyclage des vieilles technologies est essentiel pour préserver nos ressources naturelles déjà exploitées. C’est la seule façon d’assurer un meilleur futur, du coté économique, communautaire et environnemental.»

1optimum (4300, boulevard Saint-Laurent, bureau 100) est spécialisé en récupération, recyclage et revente des équipements de bureau usagés, tels les ordinateurs, les imprimantes, les moniteurs, les photocopieuses, et l'équipement téléphonique. Pour devenir commanditaire ou pour plus d’information sur ce programme, visitez le ou téléphonez au 514.933.4114. Pour de plus amples informations sur Jeunesse au Soleil, visitez le ou contactez Nicolas Carpentier, chez Jeunesse au Soleil, au 514.842.6822.

Source: Matthew Isganaitis : 514.933.4114
Nicolas Carpentier: 514.842.6822


Montreal, April 1, 2008 – Sun Youth and 1optimum, a Montreal-based technology recycling company, are pleased to announce their collaborative cell-phone recycling drive with a goal of raising $10,000 in badly-needed funds for Sun Youth, one of Montreal’s most hard working charitable organizations.

Starting April 1st and lasting for the entire month, individuals are encouraged to drop off their unused and/or obsolete cell phones, chargers, batteries, PDAs, Bluetooth devices and pagers at easily accessible collection sites in downtown Montreal. Businesses are urged to contact 1optimum or Sun Youth to have their phones picked up or to arrange an in office program. The list of public sites is regularly being updated and is found at Also participating are several Montreal area Schools including Selwyn House, Miss Edgar and Miss Cramps, Trafalger, Marymount Academy and others.

A number of local sponsors have pledged their financial support where based on this drive collecting more than 2000 phones, a projected $10’000.00 for Sun Youth will be raised. The CEO of 1optimum, Matthew Isganaitis, says: “This is a classic win-win situation. We recycle these orphaned cell-phones and in so doing raise funds for a charity that is close to every Montrealer’s heart, (Sun Youth) which has been providing invaluable services to the Montreal community for decades. We also hope to raise a greater awareness about the importance of recycling all electronic devices. The efficient recycling of these devices is crucial to the preservation of our already exploited natural resources. It’s the only way for a sound future from the perspective of the economy the community and the environment.”

1optimum (4300 Saint-Laurent Boulevard, Suite 100) manages recovery and disposal/recycling of used computers, printers, monitors, photocopiers, telephony equipment and other used technology. To become a sponsor or for more information on this program visit or call 514-933-4114. For further information on Sun Youth visit or contact Nicolas Carpentier at Sun Youth 514-842-6822.


Information: Matthew Isganaitis : 514.933.4114
Nicolas Carpentier: 514.842.6822

April 3rd 2008

Met with Tammy who is doing a little documentary on the whole project.

Tammy is a graduate from journalism school and she is also going to help with the media.

April 1st 2008

Still delivering boxes, thats more than 60 % complete as of today.

CTV came to film us at one of our drop off locations.

Met with a teacher at Villa Maria who is on board for the program.

March 31 2008

Not a lot of sleep over the weekend but at very least the boxes are all ready to go.

Went out in two teams delivering the boxes to drop off sites.

Delivery takes slightly longer than expected but thats ok considering every dropping of a bin is like a mini seminar with all the employees of the drop off location.

Met with Sun Youth again just to finalize details of press release to be sent out tomorrow.

Big thanks to everyone who helped us get so much accomplished today !!

March 29 2008

Yes this is a Saturday but a project like this one doesn't sleep just because it's a weekend.

Final decision was made on the boxes being used, they were finally bought at Home Depot. This is not a plug however for Home Depot, their service was so bad that I'd have gone anywhere else to buy the boxes had their been a better option.

Stickers are printed today for the boxes. They are not as nice as could be and they don't react well to rain as we would later find out. The stickers though, on the complete product look good and the boxes are piled higher than a man.

Boxes are bought and brought to a temporary office where for the next 24hrs me and 2 friends will be sawing, drilling, peeling off stickers of manufacture (they didn't sponsor us and therefore don't deserve the notoriety) and vacuuming up the resulting mess .

March 28 2008

Picked up new T- shirts for 1optimum. They are gold despite some who would have you believe they are yellow (inside joke).

T-shirts look great and are ready to go when the delivering of boxes starts next week.

March 27 2008

Met with Sun Youth about media strategy.

Met with Stephanie @ Miss Edgar and Miss Cramps School who was very receptive to the program.

March 26 2008

Met with Pina at Corbeil the management for the bell tower downtown regarding cell phone recycling drive.

Everyone has been doing great in the setting up of drop off locations, we're at over 50 locations.

Started working on a press release to go out on the 1st of April 2008.

March 25 2008

Set up phone system to accommodate the new campaign.

Spoke with CJ from Westmount High School (my old high school) made apt to discuss program.

Met with Frank, a science teacher at Lester B Pearson school who is very interested in the program and intends to implement it through the science program.

March 24 2008

Spoke with Sharon from Selwyn House, she confirmed the schools participation.

Meeting with Ned and Fiona regarding strategy to get new drop off locations.

Confirmed CIBC investment services will participate in collecting phones.

March 21 2008

Met with Maria the designer of our beautiful posters and website.

Designed T shirts for 1optimum.

Met with a girl for help with the media. Decided on a press strategy which includes a press conference on the 7 th of April.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

March 19 2008:

First day with 4 people on the streets, tremendous response from everybody out there ! Thanks for making this project a wonderful one to work on.

Confirmed that Marymount Academie will Participate

Meeting with Sid Stevens at Sun Youth (finally get to meet the big man himself). Meeting went fantastic; I’m fairly confident this program will receive at very least some coverage from the more significant channels in the media.

Started looking for someone to help with Coordinating of Media and press releases.

>>>Please let us know if you are or know someone qualified and interested and available on short notice.

March 18 2008:

Met with Arthur, Ned and Fiona. Tomorrow, including my sister Charlotte, that’ll be 4 people canvassing the city for drop off locations.

Training exercise:

My name is drop off locations, my height is drop off locations,

my birthweight and shoe-size and age are drop off locations.

March 17 2008:

Fiona O’Conner joined Team “Recycle your Cell phone for Sun Youth” Welcome Fiona!

Approached BMO (Bank of Montreal) on Laurier and St Laurent for Sponsorship and cell phone collection.

March 15 2008:

Made a post here on facebook asking for help with some translation and the response was fantastic so thanks for that everyone !

The logo for this group should be changing soon to the new poster, please let me know what you think.

Compiled a list of all the agreed sponsors and drop off locations. Those will be posted very soon. .

Sponsorship has reached $3.25 per phone we collect, which means our sponsors will donate $6500.00 to Sun Youth if we collect over 2000 phones.

Selwyn House School has confirmed participation with their Middle and Senior schools.

March 14 2008:

SDBSL (Societe de Development Boulevard Saint Laurent) released newletter with blurb on “Recycle your Cell Phone for Sun Youth”.

March 13 2008:

Edward Maloney is added to the team. Welcome the ‘Ned Terminator’ !

March 12 2008:

First 100 posters were printed. Thanks to Allo Copie ! 514-523-2488

March 9 2008:

Spoke with several people at the Stcum regarding drop off locations set up in Metros. Envisioning: Atwater, Guy, Mcgill, Square Victoria.

Started posting adds on Craigslist and Kijiji.

March 6 2008:

Visited Zellers; winners; Canadian Tire looking at different items that could be adapted as drop boxes.

Met with web designer for new concepts for the cell phone campaign.

Update Feb 28 2008:

Pledges are going well, we've reached $2.22 where if we collect more than 2000 phones $4440 will go to Sun Youth.

Met with Scotiabank theatres on St Catherine (formerly paramount) for use as a drop off location.

Met with Societe Development Boulevard St Laurent for help with the media. They were very enthusiastic as it fits with several projects they're doing to promote 'green' practices to their member businesses. Also posting a blurb in their bi-monthly newsletter.

Introduction >> Feb 25 2008

In 2003 I founded 1optimum a company specializing in the remarketing of used computer equipment. Up until the beginning of 2008 I had a warehouse in Toronto where I outsourced my storage and labor needs.

A niche was established as one of the strongest buyers for used Lexmark printers in North America. Although a great majority of our activities thus far have been centered on printers there are many other exciting areas of electronics recycling we’re developing. My largest customer for Lexmark printers shut down the contract that in 2007 was making us the most money so I decided to re-evaluate our direction.

My goals for 1optimum in 2008 involve developing a relevant presence and community image in Montreal; shutting down my toronto warehouse in favour of one here in Montreal (already done) and developing new streams of recyclables. This cell-phone drive is my first effort in that direction. It allies me with Sun Youth and the Saint Lawrence Blvd Association and establishes the concept of ‘Recycling-Drives’ which I hope will continue to be a fun and efficient way to find new recyclable products.

Thanks for reading,

Matthew Joseph Isganaitis

Chief Executive Officer -

It's Official !
1optimum has launched “Recycle Your Cell-Phone for Sun Youth”. Cell phone collection officially starts on the 1st of April 2008 and finishes the 1st of May 2008. All cell phones collected will be either recycled for the materials or refurbished when possible.

Participating sponsors have pledged to give XX per phone where $0.25 is equal to $500.00 based on our goal of 2000 phones. Pledges are capped at 2000 phones so a pledge of $0.25 is always no more than $500.00.

Our pledges have reached $1.595 as of today which means $3190.00 goes to Sun Youth provided we collect over 2000 phones.